Lucy working on an Outward Hound Nina Ottoson puzzle
Linus working on an Outward Hound Nina Ottoson puzzle
Linus working on an Outward Hound Nina Ottoson puzzle
Lucy working on an Outward Hound Nina Ottoson puzzle
Lucy getting her lunch from an Outward Hound Nina Ottoson Wobble Bowl
Linus getting his lunch from an interactive food dispensing toy
Linus with a stuffed & frozen West Paw Zogoflex Tux
Lucy with a stuffed & frozen West Paw Zogoflex Tux
Play date with Thor
Play date with Murphy
Play date with Tug
Play date with Uno
Enjoying his new toy, a Kong Jumbler Ball
The wigglebutts playing with their favorite toys
Playing with her frisbee
Playing with their covered mega ball (shredding the duct tape around the ball, too)
Having fun in the snow
Playing in the snow
Practicing "leave it" while waiting for his vet
On her training mat after passing her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) testÂ
Looking out the window, watching the lawn guys
Lucy sniffing on her walk
Sharing their stock tank pool
Watching people walk by (from our parked truck)
Resting after playing with their new "indestructible" soccer ball
Resting after playing with their jolly ball
The wigglebutts resting under the tree after their backyard run
Watching the neighbors mow their lawn
Getting their lunch stuffed & frozen in a West Paw Toppl
Getting their lunch stuffed & frozen in a West Paw Toppl
Practicing her "leave it"
Enjoying the sunset and the breeze
Working on "place work"
"Place work" training
Working on "stay with distance, duration & distractions" at the neighborhood park
Snuffle mat breakfast
Tetherball fun
Enjoying his Earth Animal no-hide chew
Chewing on her Pawstruck braided bully stick
Wigglebutts' pool pawty
Introducing the skateboard to Linus
Playing with her frisbee
Saying hi to our friend, Mayzie
Catching the ball
Playing with the hose (water)
Linus asking to play with Lucy
Playing with his toy
Playing frisbee
Agility training
Taking a break from her sniff walk at the park
Playing with his teaser ball
Playing with water
just chillin' at the harbor
play time with Thor
the malligator got me!
back when we shared everything
Linus makes a good pillow
just playin'
Lucy's 2nd & Linus's 1st Christmas (2020)
their first trip to the desert
it's dinner time, momma!
searching for their presents under the Christmas tree
Linus, Canine Good Citizen
chase time
trying out agility
just hanging out waiting for snack time
momma's work buddy fell asleep
BFFs Linus & Uno
just dogs being dogs
playing in the snow
practicing "recall" with a smile
Christmas 2021
practicing place work for taking pictures
momma's work buddies waiting for break time
just posing for treats
wigglebutts being silly
waiting for dinner time
in Terlingua Ranch
multi-purpose puzzle toy & pillow
staying in the shade
he loves the a-frame
watching the neighbors
sunrise walk
Christmas 2022
Lucy: I can't believe he's out there peeing when the wind is going 25mph!
waiting for momma to get up
football time
majestic mister Linus